Thoughts on Love

Words cannot describe the feelings that evolve inside my human anatomy when conceptualizing the very thought of the word. The four letter word that contains so much meaning in every aspect of my life. So much thought, and so much history. History of using the word loosely, in contrast to when it is used with seriousness and sincerity. To elaborate, there were times where I have used the word without knowing the full gravity of its meaning, almost out of my initial lack of experience and wisdom. For example, when I whispered it to the first girlfriend that I had. Back in high school, saying it to her with the intention of elevating our relationship to new heights. To reach unmarked territory that had never felt the presence of a human footprint. Comparable to when NASA landed on the moon at the end of the 1960's, and Neil Armstrong proclaimed it a "giant leap for mankind" . Mind you this was my freshman year of high school, which in a matter of years will be a decad...