Proclamation of Life

I have something to say to everyone who has heard about me and who I am as a human being. You may not know me personally, but nobody alive has met the author of every book they have read. This doesn’t change the fact that all of mankind shares in a pure untainted significance that cannot exclude a single living soul. Belonging to a race that every human being is a participant in. Not multiple races, one race for all. The human race. I am a writer, and I align my life with the undeniable truth. That truth is that we live in a fallen and imperfect world where evil is free to run around like a savage beast, consuming all that cannot fend for itself. The evil in the world will devour you if you allow it to do so. Thankfully we have a loving and generous creator, who out of his love went to great lengths and extremes to provide a way out of that darkness. As someone who has already turned their life over to God and accepted what he offers to all people through the death of his s...