Choosing a Team!

PROUD MEMBER OF THE DAWG POUND RIGHT HERE! If you cannot tell by the HUGE BOLD LETTERS on the end zone, and the orange and brown decorated throughout the stadium, this past weekend was when I officially decided to identify myself as a Browns fan. Going to your first ever NFL game does that to you. Most of you take me as a bandwagon fan for any team that wins all the time. No disrespect to the other NFL teams, but one of the biggest reasons that I have become a Browns fan is simply because it is Ohio's NFL team! The TRUE Ohio NFL team. Better than those little kittens from Cincinnati. With that aside, allow me to entertain you with the story of my very first experience at an NFL Game. It all started this past Saturday at midnight. I was on a mini-vacation with my friends in what I like to call “middle of nowhere winter cabin forest” Ohio. My brother and a couple of his friends had an extra ticket to The Browns Game, and I was the missing link. So, my best friend and I arrang...