The Art of Storytelling (as told by Noah Garber)

E very good story has to begin somewhere, and more often than not it begins at the beginning (unless you are genius filmmaker Quentin Tarantino who begins his stories wherever he damn well pleases). Let this serve as your illumination into the subject of storytelling. A somewhat decent set of instructions on how to tell a good story, and the essential information that is required in order to do so. Now to provide a quick disclaimer: what is said may be perceived as elementary. Whether you are predominantly a reader, writer, spokesperson, or even an actor, the unspoken truth is this: stories are what life is made of. In essence, human memory is a story. This being said, every great story has some necessities. Where did everything take place? Who are the main people involved? What is the conflict or struggle that those people encounter and face head on? Who (if anyone or anything) is opposing to the main characters, because the main characters don't have to be in opposition w...