
The Art of Storytelling (as told by Noah Garber)

E very good story has to begin somewhere, and more often than not it begins at the beginning (unless you are genius filmmaker Quentin Tarantino who begins his stories wherever he damn well pleases). Let this serve as your illumination into the subject of storytelling. A somewhat decent set of instructions on how to tell a good story, and the essential information that is required in order to do so. Now to provide a quick disclaimer: what is said may be perceived as elementary. Whether you are predominantly a reader, writer, spokesperson, or even an actor, the unspoken truth is this: stories are what life is made of. In essence, human memory is a story. This being said, every great story has some necessities. Where did everything take place? Who are the main people involved? What is the conflict or struggle that those people encounter and face head on? Who (if anyone or anything) is opposing to the main characters, because the main characters don't have to be in opposition w...

A Victim of Music

Photo credit - Rob Loud/@robloud M usic. An entity that came into existence long before the day Beethoven first touched a piano. Whenever a vinyl is placed on the track and the needle cuts a groove into the record, a memory is revisited that takes the listener back to a time when life was simpler. It evokes a sense of emotion that is unique for every member of the audience. A prime example of this is what Columbus concert goers got to experience recently at EXPRESS LIVE. With Kentucky based band White Reaper serving as an opener, Columbus was delighted to have The Killers perform at EXPRESS Live. About the Band   The Killers have been a household name in alternative rock music for almost two decades. Since the time the band was formed in 2001, they have released five consecutive chart-topping studio albums: Hot Fuss (2004), Sam's Town (2006), Day & Age (2008), Battle Born (2012) and Wonderful Wonderful (2017). They have also released a B-sides and...

Please Drink Responsibly. (Or Not At All)

Can you believe that there was a period in time where America thought it would be a smart decision to outlaw the distribution and production of alcohol? Were they all surprised when it actually made things worse, and that the eighteenth amendment was useless? That crime (which because of the amendment bootleggers were lawbreakers) skyrocketed because of their mistake. If history proves one thing correct, it is how ignorant we all are! Still, I write with a bit of hesitation due to the fact that the subject matter on my conscience for this piece, is a bit “dicey”. Still, I am indeed talking about alcohol. Specifically my fascination, history, and moral arguments concerning the beverages that fall into the hands of practically everyone in American society. It all started for me, almost five years ago at Holden Beach, North Carolina. I was spending a week with my friends and it was a night where the single guys would ask the single girls out on a “date”. Now even though I was dating ...

Choosing a Team!

PROUD MEMBER OF THE DAWG POUND RIGHT HERE! If you cannot tell by the HUGE BOLD LETTERS on the end zone, and the orange and brown decorated throughout the stadium, this past weekend was when I officially decided to identify myself as a Browns fan. Going to your first ever NFL game does that to you. Most of you take me as a bandwagon fan for any team that wins all the time. No disrespect to the other NFL teams, but one of the biggest reasons that I have become a Browns fan is simply because it is Ohio's NFL team! The TRUE Ohio NFL team. Better than those little kittens from Cincinnati. With that aside, allow me to entertain you with the story of my very first experience at an NFL Game. It all started this past Saturday at midnight. I was on a mini-vacation with my friends in what I like to call “middle of nowhere winter cabin forest” Ohio. My brother and a couple of his friends had an extra ticket to The Browns Game, and I was the missing link. So, my best friend and I arrang...

Chasing a Dream

To dream bigger is to wish for a life of grandeur and fantasy. Consider Gatsby: the rich, charming, mysterious, and influential character in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s timeless masterpiece. Jay Gatsby is iconic for not only his rise to fame but his tragedy and his downfall. He would always reach out towards the shiny green light of accomplishing his dream. In addition, he had everything and more. The roads being smothered in gold everywhere he walked. A legacy of his own, made by cheating the system of hard labor and climbing the imaginary social pyramid. Little did he understand the life that he had, and how he had become a king amongst men. Unfortunately, his dream and his own vision had consumed him to the point of blindness. His desire for one single woman was the foundation for everything he ever did. It was the cause of his downfall. His dream to put all of the pieces of life’s puzzle together is what led to his demise. Falling in love with a dream only lead to his death.  Or ...

A Glimpse of Heaven

This past week was an experience that I can only compare to heaven itself. For those of you who don’t know, I have been a part of a Bible Study in Xenos Christian Fellowship. I have been involved with one of their Home Churches for about five years now (which has been since I graduated high school). Nautilus is the name of it. Ever since that fateful day five years ago when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I have been learning how to develop real friendships and learning how to not only allow people into the inner chambers of my heart and trust, but plunge myself into the relational rabbit hole that other people have in their lives. can say that I have been on plenty of adventures. I have loved a lot and I have suffered a lot. As the Apostle Paul says in his second letter to Timothy: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim 4:7). It’s what I am living for. It’s what I am fighting for. As a matter of fact, ...

A Search with Excitement

For the first time in a long time, I am excited to go on a search for knowledge. When I look through the online library catalog, it is actually exciting to realize that the power to learn through accessing books is at my fingertips. The fact that I will walk to the Thompson Library, and look for books that will hopefully expand my knowledge and my understanding of life on Earth. Perhaps this is a bit too promising? However, I am confident that the meaning of writing and the ability to read the writing of others has the intended purpose to expand the imagination. As Robin Williams said in Dead Poets Society: "We read and write [poetry] because we are members of the human race." What I would append to that quote is that we read and we write because we were born to create and name new things. Whatever Man named each animal in the Garden of Eden, God accepted each name. Based on the name given to it by Adam, God, therefore, named the animal such. Likewise, we were given the ab...