A Search with Excitement

For the first time in a long time, I am excited to go on a search for knowledge. When I look through the online library catalog, it is actually exciting to realize that the power to learn through accessing books is at my fingertips. The fact that I will walk to the Thompson Library, and look for books that will hopefully expand my knowledge and my understanding of life on Earth. Perhaps this is a bit too promising? However, I am confident that the meaning of writing and the ability to read the writing of others has the intended purpose to expand the imagination. As Robin Williams said in Dead Poets Society: "We read and write [poetry] because we are members of the human race." What I would append to that quote is that we read and we write because we were born to create and name new things. Whatever Man named each animal in the Garden of Eden, God accepted each name. Based on the name given to it by Adam, God, therefore, named the animal such. Likewise, we were given the ability to create new things. In numerous ways, we can invent.

We can invent new machines to transport around the world and into the stars of our universe. We can invent cures to incurable diseases, God willing, to heal the sick and sustain life. We can build tall buildings as to touch the clouds and look up to Heaven. We can develop new relationships with new people, and plunge deep into a relational goldmine filled with wealth. We can write a story that captivates an audience and takes them on a journey outside the fabric of reality. We can create a new and more exciting future for our children. In addition, provide them the tools to do the same for their children. So I ask: What more can we do?

What excuses do we make to avoid being creative? Mine is laziness. Lack of energy is a normal and frequent one, as is lack of commitment and dedication. Mine is also conformity. Often do I just want to keep my head down and avoid criticism and obscurity. Often do I keep to myself and mind my own business. Yet this is contradicted in the workplace when I hear a conversation between two other people, and immediately want to know what is being discussed. With this in mind, I desire to stick out like a sore thumb and be different. I would rather be disliked for being myself than be adored for being something less. Something less includes being asked and told to be silent, rather than say what I believe is the right thing to say.

Sure; It is better for me to keep my mouth shut and have people think that I am stupid than to open my mouth and prove them right. Mark Twain said that. However, it finally makes sense that knowledge is contained in the few hundred pages in a book that people do not read anymore. If this search for knowledge leads to people getting the impression that I am intelligent, then I will march forward with gusto. Onward, towards the riches and plunder of knowledge that awaits here on out. I ask that you pray for me. Pray that I develop a habit out of searching for books, and even a bigger habit of sitting down and keeping still with a book in my hands. At my desk where I complete various assignments for my classes. Most importantly, against the temptation of the zombie that is laziness. That I hold fast in my studies and not lose sight of the end goal. Graduation from The Ohio State University in the Spring of 2018.


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