Cinemagic and where to Find It

World renowned Literary Genius: J.K. Rowling, and one of the leading individuals responsible for bringing her imagination and creativity to life: director David Yates.....well they have done it again! An empty gap began to form in the hearts of fans over five years ago when the finale of the Harry Potter cinematic series was released, and that gap has thankfully been filled with a new story entitled Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

First and foremost, I want to commend Eddie Redmayne (Newt), Collin Farrell (Graves), Samantha Morton (Mary Lou) , Katherine Waterson (Tina), and Dan Fogler (Mr. Kowalski) for their performances in their main roles. In addition, I wish to congratulate the entire cast and crew for a job well done. I came home from viewing the film absolutely energetic and joyful, hence why I am composing this review. 

The experience of the film was more than just an average night at the theatre.... it was simply a revival of the imagination and the cogs that turn the clock of my human heart and eternal soul. Any fan of J.K. Rowling's genius will never lie to you about that. This goes for all of the stories that she writes. After the Harry Potter books were finished, her legions of fans begged her to write more novels as if they were pleading at her feet. I vow to never kiss a person's feet, only because the dreadful aroma of human hooves. Instead, I would kiss the hands she writes with, and acknowledge her as the Queen of England. And say to her "Thank you Your Majesty, for your contributions to the world in which we all live." I would say this for many reasons. But this is beside the point. I myself being a young and aspiring writer only dream of having her amount of success and fame. However, I am simultaneously thankful for the reality that I wake up to. 

I do not think Joanne Rowling ever wanted to be rich and famous....  I think that she wanted to write for a living... and that is the exact same thing that I want. So we would understand each other to some degree. 

Desiring fame is not my motivation. Neither is money or to have my name etched into the books of society and world culture. To play a part in the lives of seven-billion people is a feet that no human but one has ever achieved. That one is responsible for an act that far exceeds any type of magic trick. He is responsible for the most selfless and liberating event in all of human, and world history. What made this one man so powerful is that he is, was, and always will be, the human embodiment of the closest thing that we have to magic.  

That man was Jesus Christ himself, and Love is what he represents. He is the Love of all existence. He alone is my motivation, and where nothing is lost. 

Whether or not you believe in God is irrelevant at this moment, but the subject of Love is what I wish to focus on right now. Love being a reoccurring theme in J.K. Rowling's novels. I myself am not an expert on the topic. But I am not new to it. Love is the most important thing in the entire world. As stated earlier, it is the closest thing that we have to magic. Once you read that, understand that, believe that it is true, and live your life as if it is reality, you will know peace. Not only that, but you will understand a huge piece of the jigsaw puzzle of life in this world. 

I believe that J.K. Rowling understands that principle, and applies it beautifully in all of her novels. I hope and pray that she continues to do so, and I look forward to seeing that Love shine brighter than the sun on the big screen. 


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