A List of Ideas

Within days, I was able to start a list of ideas of what I would write essays, and possibly even books about. It's already at a decent length of topics. There is a wide range of topics, all of which I would devote research to in order to produce eloquent literature. Whether it be simple topics like my love for different flavors of cheese. Or more complex topics such as the ethical need for school students to express themselves instead of conforming to their peers. The reason for this, is because I want to explore every area of my interest.

From the very surface of the earth, to the very depths of the sea. If we are to think of it like a submarine crew: On land they accomplish everything that is needed in order to begin their deep blue exploration. From there, they sink to the very depths of the oceans and gather as much info as they want. Then once they are finished exploring the remarkable setting of the Deep, they return to land in order to share what they have found with those who are interested. That is exactly what I intend to to do with my writing. To write about topics of my interest, in hopes that people will come my way after reading what I have written, and be able to talk face-to-face with me about what they thought of my writing, because they are interested.

To be honest, I would be satisfied with living in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but paper, and writing utensils. I'm well aware that I would be cut off from the rest of society, and have no friends to love and be loved by. I guess that is where I have to go in my mind in order to be at peace, and not to get distracted as I write. Inside that cabin, away from the rest of the world. Away from America, away from the world. To escape to a place that only I, and the God of the Universe know about. Travel inside my own thoughts and lock myself inside until I have accomplished all that I can.

I hope to share those thoughts with all of you who wish to take that nautical journey into the deep blue seas that is my mind and imagination. That all of you enjoy the experience of my creativity, and desire to go further, and in this case deeper into the unknown.

So let me ask you a question:

Would you climb inside that submarine?


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