Beauty of Self-Expression

It is literally the most exciting and yet natural feeling to remember how much power there is sitting at a table or on a couch somewhere, typing up a storm behind a lab top. Or with a pen and paper with unstoppable explosion of thoughts shooting like a bolt of lightning onto a sheet of paper. There is so much freedom that there is not other catharsis for. Not even from the other things in my life that I love, like spending time with my friends and having conversations with them.

That in of itself is a great thing as well. The fact that for the first time in my life, there are people that I spend time with and talk to. I don't mean rant to. I mean ask them questions about their life, and they ask me questions about mine. It is what is known as a "back and forth"conversation. I hope that I can continue those type of conversations with my friends, and especially with other writers.

Returning to the original topic, and that is writing itself. It is my original calling that I never realized until I looked back at the essays that I wrote, and thought about it a lot. When we are given essay assignments in high school or college with a specific word count that the teacher wants, that is my pool. I have "1000-3000 words" of creative potential to say whatever the fuck I want about a topic. The possibilities are endless, in which I become the Creator of a New world of expression. That is not even the best part

Another beauty of this thing that I am doing right now, is that people can't SEE ME! We all can say things that nobody would say out loud. Furthermore, you really don't know the man behind the computer unless you have sat down and had one of those "back and forth" conversations with me. By default, you do not know me unless you have had a conversation with me. So if you have not talked to me face to face, then you cannot judge me for what I write, or what I say on the internet.

Even in this blog

So with all of this being said, I have one question for you

Do I have your attention now?


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